Friday, 4 February 2011

31st Jan - 4th Feb

This week we were learning the story of 'The Gingerbread Man'. We decided that it would be fun to make our own gingerbread men biscuits, so on Monday we were busy writing shopping lists of all the ingredients we would need. On Tuesday we made our gingerbread men and they were absolutely delicious!!! After we made our (very yummy) gingerbread men we thought about why it was important to use a recipe and then see if we could sequence the gingerbread recipe in the correct order.

For the last 2 weeks we have been busy preparing for and learning about Chinese New Year. So on Thursday we were able to celebrate the start of Chinese New Year by having a Chinese New Year party! We paraded our Chinese dragons that we had made around the playground and played music, it was so much fun! After we were able to try out some Chinese cuisine, which was very yummy indeed!

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